This week surface morph animation and some extra stuff. Starting out with a divided curve I was able to use it determine points for circles and then using said circles to loft a structure. I then utilized the random numbers to offset the radius for each section in the loft and by utilizing "replace item" I was able to move a circle around the geometry. To show this variating animation without changing the seed values in the random numbers node. Bonus: Sending Grasshopper data via OSC/UPD to other programs I really wanted to use the program in conjunction with my main creative tools just to give me more reasoning to use grass hopper. You can utilize geometry in grass hopper and use them on other programs like MAX msp and Touch Designer for live visual effects or any other use cases. But as a caution try to re-mesh the models or simplify, because grasshopper uses a lot of data and sending them live can cause it to crash if the models are too complicated. Geometry ...