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OBDF 310 Milestone: Stacked Slices Laser cut Final


This week in my Object design class, we were able to finalize out designs for laser cutting slices. My penguin model has gone through a couple of design adjustments mostly to have a cleaner and readable structure.

simplifying the model makes it easier to distinguish, spherical curves on the original brep reference doesn't seem to provide appealing slices so I decided to go with a more geometric form. Once processed through grass hopper I didn't have a need to include wings because the tapered form still translates to something that appears like a wing.


On the left are the initial slices, the right is the cleaner side decided to mirror to create a more readable model.

Above is the layout for laser cutting, I ended up layering the cut-outs manually because the grid method shown in last weeks class was quite troublesome. I just couldn't figure out how to pull of the grid placement on vector direction and didn't want to spend too much time confusing myself.

(The penguins demand sacrifice!)


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