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Madt 304 Milestone Project 1 Plan: Invasive

For the Milestone Project I wanted to build a small sound installation imitating critical habitats, to reinforce awareness about climate change and for viewers to have a sense of eco-responsibility. Entitled "Invasive" it refers to the consequences of human developments and disturbances within natural environments such as pollution, improper land management and exhaustion of finite ecological resources. 

This installation wants to re-create these habitats with the absence of natural fauna and recreating a fleeting memory of them through machines. Invasive is an Sound Installation consisting of multiple solenoids embedded in a small artificial marsh-like habitat programmed to mimic the sounds created by fauna such as Insects, Amphibians and Small Birds. 

These solenoids have a clicking sound when powered
and potentially(Atleast that is what I'm hoping) we can recreate the sounds by increasing the frequency of the clicks through PWM?

Percussive sounds may also be created by making the solenoids hit metal plates/nails.

Current Issues.

I have tested around this week how I can make the circuit work and I think there's some issues with using a relay and delay times of the solenoid. I probably need a controller of some kind? If the input delay is lower than 500ms there's not enough time for the solenoid to reset? 

I connected it the same way as the lamp-relay from an earlier blog post.


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