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Showing posts from April, 2023

Milestone Projects

 First Definition                         Creating solid shapes from curves using loft Animation Attempting to animate 3d models within a specific track/path/curve Stacked Slices Creating a Sliced model of a penguin and experimenting with reductions in overall form Boundary Surfaces Patch Replicate/ Remediate Preparing a Model for 3d Printing and using it as a Master for Slip Casting and of course making the clay object through repetition.   Surface Morph Patch


                   Last Supper 2023                  Medium: Optimistic Students, Instructor, Acrylic, Plaster, Tape                  Site-Specific Performance     We reached the end to this project and were building plaster mould's and finally some traumatic experiences with slip casting and lots of waiting. Good soup <3 We agitate plaster in water to facilitate an exothermic reaction that would lead into it solidifying. Its a great experience like making chowder or adding starch into boiling water except the water is freezing. Finishing this plaster mould.  Before slip casting ensure that the mould plates are fully dry, once that is complete start pouring up to the rim and wait for the clay to precipitate.  On the first try the clay did form around the plaster, mine but did not really dry but the first once is always discarded to clear out any impurities like petroleum jelly and dirt. It wasn't really clear how long we were supposed to wait and it was a lot trial and error


  From the previous algorithmic modelling project we branch into designing physical objects, specifically for slip casting ceramics. Students where given freedom to design any object for casting but it has to be self supporting and possible to be done with a two part molding process. Starting from the left was my initial designs, I mainly wanted something that had more of a textural experience to it. So designing it with the surface morph functions in grass hopper was fun process, but also riddled with a lot of hurdles that I ended up learning.  From digital modelling it seemed like these objects would transition well but I started to have technical problems in the program such as rendering and closing surfaces to prepare it for 3d printing. I didn't consider how much calculations grasshopper does to create these models but somewhere along the line the projects file size started reaching 2gb along and soaking up my computers resources.  It seemed like an easy fix by converting the