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Showing posts from January, 2023

OBDF310 Milestone Project 1: Stacked Slices

         My current sliced model for this weeks blogpost. I wanted to test modelling an object in Rhino first and using the mesh as the starting point for the contour slices in grass hopper. I ended up experimenting on different extrusion depths and the vector direction for the slices.  Modularity of grasshopper allows for rapid iteration and gives me a couple of choices to pick from. I decided on the vector slices along the y-axis which gave me a very simplified version of the bird but still recognizable.  Rough model doesn't need to be detailed because the contour slices simplifies everything else.

Madt 304 Milestone Project 1 Plan: Invasive

For the Milestone Project I wanted to build a small sound installation imitating critical habitats, to reinforce awareness about climate change and for viewers to have a sense of eco-responsibility. Entitled "Invasive" it refers to the consequences of human developments and disturbances within natural environments such as pollution, improper land management and exhaustion of finite ecological resources.  This installation wants to re-create these habitats with the absence of natural fauna and recreating a fleeting memory of them through machines.  Invasive  is an Sound Installation consisting of multiple solenoids embedded in a small artificial marsh-like habitat programmed to mimic the sounds created by fauna such as Insects, Amphibians and Small Birds.  These solenoids have a clicking sound when powered and potentially(Atleast that is what I'm hoping) we can recreate the sounds by increasing the frequency of the clicks through PWM? Percussive sounds may also be created

Relay Circuit: Arduino + Lamp

  Simple Relay circuit made for Arduino to control a lamp with a photocell. It uses a simple digital pin out to send a signal to trigger the relay and power on the lamp. Its similar to the blink setup code but instead of a small LED you are controlling another object with a larger voltage. 

OBDF 310: Animation

  This week we had the chance to use animation functions in Grasshopper, it can be accessed by utilizing the slider nodes and mapping the values for frames you wish to record. I think its a very unique method you can access to add some motion control models.  To animate the balls in the structure I first subdivided curves in areas I wanted it to pivot and using the lists of points created by the divide node I was able to select where the ball cans track too. Similar to making objects track into a specific path.  I wanted to design a scene inspired by M.C. Eschers surrealist drawings of endless balconies and mazes. I was hoping I could animate each ball independently with remaped values to control speed and have variance. But for some reason whenever I select multiple curves to subdivide and install the balls, it produces another copy that I wasn't able to fix/trouble shoot. The program feels like a huge grind to learn but Im happy to put some effort or at least attempt to learn it

OBDF 310: First Definition

  In the first week of 310 class we got introduced into grasshopper a section of rhino that allows algorithmic modelling. It was a lot to process but it was interesting to see the back-end of the program and how you can patch alternative ways of modelling.  Grasshoppers UI is full on node based programming, where each parameter for a node can become modular. As seen above,  you can control multiple curves and adjust subdivisions in real time. It allows more control that manually rendering a model to which you have to commit to the final output. It does make it less painstaking to create complicated models such as organic curves or complex arrays. simple pots while I'm learning this new section. I may take it a little EXTRA simple the first couple weeks before going into more ambitious designs. I do have experience with node based programming but its like learning another language on top of everything else. I do hope to see what I can come up with in the future while participating i

Interactive Circuit: LED Panner

 MADT 304 week 2: In this week we where tasked with wiring up an interactive circuit that can control multiple LEDs.  Class discussion also introduced the use of "if" statements which allow the use of Boolean logical  operators(>/</>=/<=/==/&&) in order to filter data flow or command events. Using a Potentiometer and mapping out thresholds with if  statements we can pan LEDs.  Code :                                              float potMapped; void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(8, OUTPUT); pinMode(10, OUTPUT); pinMode(11, OUTPUT); pinMode(12, OUTPUT); pinMode(13, OUTPUT); } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: potMapped = map(analogRead(A1), 0, 1023, 0, 255); if (analogRead(A1) >= 0 && analogRead(A1) <= 240) { digitalWrite(8, LOW); digitalWrite(10, LOW); digitalWrite(11, LOW); digitalWrite(12, LOW); digitalWrite(13, LOW); }

BLINK: Arduino

  Intro assignment for MADT 304   We make a LED blink, using a simple program directly from the Arduino.  Wiring Hookup: Output from PIN9 and 5v power and ground directly from the controller.  Code                                                int led = 9; void setup() { pinMode(led,OUTPUT); } void loop() { digitalWrite(led,HIGH); delay(500); digitalWrite(led,LOW); delay(500); }